10 Video Games That Went Extreme To Protect Spoilers

7. Developing It In Secret For Almost FOUR YEARS - Half-Life: Alyx

Apex Legends

The world was shocked when Valve finally announced a new Half-Life game in November 2019, the only catch being that it was a VR-exclusive title, Half-Life: Alyx.

The announcement also confirmed that the game would be releasing in March 2020, just four months later, leaving fans baffled that such a mammoth project could be near completion without so much as a credible peep leaking out online.

Though Valve doesn't comment much about the inside baseball aspects of their games, they did confirm that Alyx quietly began development a little more than four years before it was finally released.

Valve built the game's dev team from a small skeleton crew up to 80 members, the most for any of the company's titles to date.

Yet this is a miniscule number compared to the average AAA release, which can easily number 200+ employees, while most recent Assassin's Creed games feature the work of almost 1,000 people.

Working with a comparatively smaller team no doubt allowed Valve to create a more leak-averse inner-circle, such that the world was left collectively agape when Alyx was unveiled to the world without any substantial prior hints.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.