10 Video Games That Were Dead On Arrival

1. Concord

Anthem Game

And finally, let's wrap this list up with a game that actually isn't even out yet - Sony's new first-person hero shooter Concord. 

Though first announced last year, Concord got its true coming-out party in a recent PlayStation State of Play, which began with a quippy, Guardians of the Galaxy-esque cutscene only to reveal itself to be a 5v5 hero shooter - and a rather generic one at that.

Players were scathing in their criticism of the reveal, noting disappointment at Concord's boilerplate gameplay, the fact that it looks like an Overwatch clone, and that it's chasing the hero shooter trend more than a few years too late - while not being free-to-play, no less.

The Internet is rife with articles deeming the game dead on arrival ahead of its late-August launch, and given the lackluster nature of the reveal, it's tough to argue with the notion that Concord is indeed cooked.

Short of the planned July beta miraculously swaying public opinion, Concord is almost certainly getting tossed on the growing pyre of live service flops within a matter of months or even weeks.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.