10 Video Games That Were Dead On Arrival

2. The Culling 2

Anthem Game
Xaviant Games

The prophetically-monikered The Culling 2 - a sequel to the well-received 2016 battle royale game - died a near-instantaneous death upon launch, with critics and players alike raking it over the coals for its god-awful gameplay and low player count, making it a struggle to populate a 50-person match.

IGN gave it a devastating 2/10 score and the player response was even more vitriolic, prompting developer Xaviant Games to pull the game from market and offer refunds to all players just eight days after it launched.

The developer issued a statement copping to the fact that The Culling 2 wasn't a worthy follow-up, but evidently they released it anyway to see if they could get away with it and turn a profit regardless.

Xaviant then returned to supporting the original game, which was itself delisted in 2019 amid falling revenues. 

Today it lives on only as The Culling: Origins - a watered-down revamp where players are limited to 10 free games per day before being asked to open their wallets to keep playing. Yikes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.