10 Video Games That Were Dead On Arrival

3. Anthem

Anthem Game

No game on this list was more aggressively hyped than Anthem - BioWare's always-online live service action-RPG which was widely touted as the game that could finally dethrone Destiny in the looter-shooter space.

Despite the obvious appeal of flying around in Iron Man-esque armoured suits with your pals and blowing up monsters, Anthem swiftly failed to deliver on its massive promise.

Even if you could forgive the nothingburger of a story and short campaign, Anthem screwed up the most important thing of all - the feeling of flight. 

The game's tethering mechanic - which prevented players from flying too far away from their pals - proved infuriatingly restrictive, in turn preventing players from fully enjoying the thrill of flying around and kicking ass.

Add to this brutal loading times, grind-heavy gameplay, and a lackluster post-game, and it was clear why most players simply burned through the campaign in about 15 hours and then moved onto other games.

A year after launch - long after most had put Anthem to the back of their minds - BioWare announced they were hard at work on rebooting the game, though another year later, it was confirmed that all work on this had been scrapped.

Surprisingly though, Anthem's servers are still up, well over five years after it first launched.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.