10 Video Games That Were MASSIVE Jokes
1. Desert Bus

It's been well-established, despite numerous studies citing overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that video games are the sole factor contributing to all of society's ills. So what would happen if the likes of Jack Thompson and Janet Reno got their way, and the medium was entirely sanitised for the greater moral good of America's youth?
Desert Bus, that's what. The self-proclaimed "best" part of magic duo Penn & Teller's unreleased Sega CD compilation Smoke and Mirrors asks the player to guide an interstate coach from Tuscon, AZ to Las Vegas, NV. There are no passengers aboard, and the only scenery to divert your attention is the occasional road sign. Oh, and it's in real time. In all, the journey is eight hours of unremitting tedium. Should you leave the wheel for just a moment, the bus will begin veering off the road, only to be towed back to Arizona - again, in real time.
You can't stop for a ciggy break either - there is no pause function. Five hours in, a bug hits the windshield just to break up the monotony. Reach your goal, and you earn a solitary point - and you then have the option to make the return trip. It's thrill a mile, then, and in an ideal, morally pure world, all games would be like this.