10 Video Games That Were Secretly Horror Franchises

8. Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Slappy Dead Rising 2

Every game in the entire Legend of Zelda roster has at least two totally messed up horror-esque moments in it, to the point that it's more a right of passage than anything else.

However, the majority of these games don't contain an enraged moon staring down at you, following your every move, and coming increasingly closer as it attempts to destroy you - so it's safe to say Majora's Mask is the creepiest of the Zelda collection.

In fact, while nobody wants the franchise spread out too thin, it's almost a shame that the Majora's Mask game didn't bring with it a spin off line of more deeply unsettling games. While we all want younger players to be able to play as Link without having unending nightmares, imagining how much wilder the possessed Skull Kid or Happy Mask Salesman truly could have been.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.