10 Video Games That Were Secretly Horror Franchises

7. Chulip

Slappy Dead Rising 2

Since Chulip is a game about learning to love people and giving out maximum smooches, it seems like a pretty chill experience - well, aside from the slight nerves that comes from figuring out how to kiss an alien.

However, the eccentric population of your town - while largely endearing - are also seriously messed up at times, resulting in some surprisingly unsettling moments. Take, for example, poor Miss Mika, who came back as a zombie, and is basically slowly rotting while still alive, or the doctor who walks the streets at night out for blood to drink.

This isn't even mentioning the underground jail in the graveyard, which holds prisoners on a metal cross for the duration of their stay. This is levels of wrong, and the fact you can get sent there for merely being caught smoking three times says a whole lot about the secret dystopia that the game exists in.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.