10 Video Games That Were Somehow Worse Than We Expected

4. Vroom in the Night Sky

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Boasting Sega Saturn graphics, barren levels, and a generic design, this Switch racer screamed "pathetic" from the get-go. Since trailers are supposed to highlight the best parts of a game, it didn't inspire much confidence when Vroom in the Night Sky's repeatedly showed main character Luna passing straight through obstacles, proving base collision detection was nonexistent.

Even then, this trailer failed to captures how truly woeful Vroom would be. The controls are so imprecise, players got Superman 64 vibes, and wondered whether their Switch was suffering from dreaded Joy-Con drift. Vroom also has some of the worst mistranslations in gaming history, making it nearly impossible to follow the plot or basic instructions. (After purchasing an item at the shop, "bought" is even misspelt as "buyed!")

However, the most insulting thing about Vroom is the fact it was a launch title, meaning the publishers were confidant to release this shovelware alongside Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Receiving a MetaCritic rating of 17%, Vroom in the Night Sky may very well be the worst game on the Switch.


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