10 Video Games That Weren't As Good As You Remember
Your childlike brain was sadly mistaken.

Memory is one of life's long-term pranksters. It's a willfully deceptive trick of your mind that is, so very often, a downright !*$% liar. Because sometimes, when we like to take what we think is a nice, reassuring drive down good old Memory Lane, we forget something important - the local council haven't maintained Memory Lane in years and it's full of potholes the size of your average plothole in an episode of Sherlock. We're talking some seriously big holes here, people.
And so, what has this villainous wretch called memory done to our most favourite of past times, the humble video game? Well, many of the games you loved as a kid, are actually nothing more than festering piles of hot garbage when you take off your rose-tinted 3D glasses and look at them in reality specs.
Perhaps then, it's time to revisit some of those games of yesteryear, reassess them today and laugh in the face of that stupid function of the brain that I forget the name of that helps us remember things.
10. FIFA International Soccer

The FIFA game series have changed the face of football video games forever. Some have questioned if this change was for the better, but it's hard to argue that over the years, EA have refined the games into the glossy, well-rounded footy package that we see today. But if we go back to day one, then you can truly see how far we've come, my friend. Because, dear reader, the very first FIFA Soccer on the Mega Drive was actually pure balls.
At the time, it might have had you weeping at joy at the glorious player animations and the fact that finally, after all this time, you could play as the Qatar national team in a football game. But there was a big problem - playing FIFA was painful. Literally, painful.
The Mega Drive controller and D-Pad were simply never designed for an isometric-based football simulation and made merry hell of any sustained effort in you trying to make your guys run anywhere. Thus, any 5 minute game would likely make your fingers bleed right down to the bone.
On the plus side though, in this early FIFA incarnation, you can commit horrendous GBH style fouls and proceed to endlessly run away from the ref to avoid punishment, in true Benny Hill fashion. So there was always that to look forward to.