10 Video Games That Weren't Worth Full Price

7. Sim City (2013) 

Saints Row 4

The Sims is one of the most popular video game franchises to date, and it's spin-off series centred around creating your own cities was just as popular. After six years without a Sims City entry, fans were desperate to get their hands on a new Sims City experience. Many pre-ordered Sims City 2013 in anticipation but were left more than frustrated with the car accident of a launch.

Despite being a predominately single player experience, Sims City 2013 required that players were alone at all times and you had to connect to a server to play the game.

This lead to issues upon release as the servers were not capable of the demand so many players were actually forced to queue for thirty minutes at least just to play the game. If you've just spent £45 to pre-order the game you're going to be pretty annoyed when you can't even play it when you want.

The problems didn't stop here however, as due to the poor servers even once you got into the game you run the risk of losing your save data. The area provided for players to build their cities was also notably small as well. It seemed a backtrack in the franchise and it's clear that this game shouldn't of been released in this state, especially at the price it was sold for.

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Saints Row 4
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.