10 Video Games That Weren't Worth Full Price

6. Any Call of Duty on Steam

Saints Row 4

This entry is a bit cheeky as it's more than one game, but it is shocking how much the Call of Duty franchise costs per game on Steam. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, a game that released over a decade ago in 2007 still costs £20. This is only half price compared to when it first released. While it is an incredibly popular game it makes no sense for it to be so steeply priced.

This is true for almost every game in the Call of Duty library. If you wanted to buy the whole franchise in one quick purchase, it'll only set you back £728.33. While it does include fifteen different Call of Duty games with all the DLC, that's still an average cost of £48.50 for each game! It's just an absurd amount of money for a series of games that are quite dated and lacking a large player-base for the online content anyway.

The original Call of Duty released in 2003 and that's still worth £15 on Steam. When you consider you can get Stardew Valley, Terraria or Payday 2 for less than that, and you have to wonder if any of these games are worth the asking price on Steam.

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Saints Row 4
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.