10 Video Games That Would Sell MILLIONS With One Simple Tweak

8. Mad Max - Not Releasing On The Same Day As A Metal Gear Solid Game

Brutal Legend
Warner Bros

Movie franchise games are always a fine line to tread. For every Alien: Isolation and Spider-man 2: The Movie, we get E.T the Extra Terrestrial and Street Fighter The Movie: The Game to balance it out.

Mad Max, 2015's tie-in effort to the franchise that came out off the back of smash hit film, Fury Road, was lucky enough to fall into the "good" category. Alright, it wasn't an absolute blockbuster, but as far as post-apocalyptic sandboxes with vehicle customisation goes, it was pretty decent.

So, why didn't it sell absolute gangbusters?

Well, whether you love them or hate them, Metal Gear Solid games are incredibly popular. The Phantom Pain had been a long time coming for fans, bolstered by the then-recent Konami/Kojima split.

It just so happened that Mad Max was also out on the same day, which gave it the unfortunate luck of being completely overshadowed by the next title in Kojima's tactical action series.

Two open world titles, one with a legacy and one a newcomer, it was only going to go one way. Max's Magnum Opus had to wait.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.