10 Video Games They Were Right To Cancel

9. Doom 4

Scalebound Game
id Software

Following the release of Doom 3 in 2004, it was simply a given that a fourth game would enter development soon enough, but it was ultimately another 12 years before the next mainline Doom game was released.

The reason for this? Id Software and Bethesda laboured over development of Doom 4 for years, which in its original iteration was basically a reboot of the franchise intended to mimic the gameplay of Call of Duty.

With its Earth-based setting, slower gameplay pace, abundance of scripted sequences, and regenerating health, fans disparagingly dubbed it "Call of Doom," and after five years of languishing in development hell, it was finally cancelled in 2013.

As frustrating as it was to go more than a whole decade without a new fully-fledged Doom game, this process did prompt id Software to go back-to-basics for 2016's reboot, which surpassed all expectations to deliver one of the series' very best entries.

Had the original Doom 4 been released and caught on with the Call of Duty crowd as intended, it would've forever changed the future of the franchise, and surely for the worse. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.