10 Video Games That Totally Crushed Our Dreams

2. Aeris Dies - Final Fantasy VII

The Dream: Remember Aeris, that lovely young flower girl you meet early on in Final Fantasy VII? She's totally destined to fall in love with Cloud and marry him and have his babies for sure, right? Who needs that hussy Tifa? It's all about Aeris. The Reality: Of course, Aeris doesn't survive the events of Final Fantasy VII, taking a blade from Sephiroth in the game's most heartbreaking moment. It wasn't just that so many gamers foresaw Cloud and Aeris as lovers, but that Aeris was one of the game's most well-liked and innocent characters, and to see her cut down so brutally gave us all the motivation we needed to bring Sephie to his knees. We're not ashamed to say that of all the gaming deaths we've experienced over the years, this is the one that cuts the deepest. So desperate have gamers been to prevent Aeris' death that some have even used a Gameshark and other cheat devices to resurrect her into their party, though she only appears during battles and on the party screen. Rumours have persisted over the years that there's a legitimate way to revive her in the game, though these all appear to be wishful thinking.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.