10 Video Games Utterly Ruined By RNG

10. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CounterStrike Global Offensive

It's the opinion of many that RNG mechanics have no place in competitive shooters, especially where aiming is concerned, given that it effectively adds a luck element to a core mechanic which, many would argue, should be based on skill alone.

And there's arguably no greater offender on the FPS market than Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which uses a behind-the-curtain dice roll to decide the exact trajectory of your bullets, ensuring that they rarely end up precisely where you intended.

The RNG is an attempt to both replicate real-life gun recoil and make gameplay feel slightly more dynamic for newer players in particular, who might otherwise get mowed down by a veteran opponent every single time.

Now of course, skill is far and away the most important factor in deciding the winner of a shootout regardless, but RNG can tip the balance just enough to throw a superior player off and allow their opponent to sneak a "cheap" kill on occasion.

Again, it ensures no two gunfights are ever exactly the same by introducing an unpredictable element behind the scenes, but to that end it can also result in capable players being killed somewhat unfairly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.