10 Video Games We All Used To Love (That Actually Totally Suck)

5. Zool

ZoolLoved on: Amiga - 1992 Designed specifically to be a Sonic the Hedgehog rival, it very nearly succeeded, being the best selling game on Amiga in 1992. Zool was a ninja gremlin from the "Nth" dimension, or something or other. His spaceship crash lands on a planet made out of sweets (which is totally convenient because the game was endorsed by lollipop company Chupa Chups) and then he has to shoot some bees to escape. There may have been more to it, I'm not sure. We'll get to why in a second... Sucks because: Aside from product placement so gratuitous it would make James Bond blush, Zool was so ill-designed it was almost unplayable. That's why I'm not sure if there was any more to the game - it was too difficult to progress. Even today, as a finely honed game-playing machine, I can't get past the third "world". I doubt I'm missing much, though.
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CiarĂ¡n Utting loves video games and books with pictures of speedboats on the cover. There's plenty more of his drivel on Twitter @CiaranUtting