10 Video Games We All Used To Love (That Actually Totally Suck)

4. Jurassic Park

JurassicPark MegaDriveLoved on: SEGA Mega Drive - 1993 Not hard to see why you'd have loved this as a kid. Spielberg's film rocked your bollocks off, dinosaurs are generally mega, and being able to hunt them (or even as them!) with eye-melting new graphical tech adds up to something that would have made your brain burst. It spent a whopping 15 months in development and even featured 'Artificial Dinosaur Intelligence', making no two games alike. Sucks because: It plays like garbage. The controls are an abomination unto mankind, the sprites handle like they're on day-release and the framerate dips more than Enron shares (ask your parents). For some reason they also shunned John Williams' classic score for a DIY electro track that sounds like you're having an acid trip in a circus, and the classic T-Rex ending is boiled down to two raptors standing with their backs to you while you throw grenades at them. Ugh.
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CiarĂ¡n Utting loves video games and books with pictures of speedboats on the cover. There's plenty more of his drivel on Twitter @CiaranUtting