10 Video Games Where Consumers WON

6. Players Are No Longer Locked Out - Fallout 3

shadow of war
Bethesda Softworks

Fallout 3 concludes with The Lone Wanderer locating a purifier that disables a toxic agent from infecting the world's water supply. Because the machine is inside a radioactive chamber, the protagonist knows it's a death sentence to operate it. As such, the Wanderer can choose to sacrifice themselves, encourage Sarah to go in their place, or let the purifier explode.

Although this climax is meant to be heartfelt, the whole situation is nonsensical, since the Wanderer's companion, Fawkes, is immune to radiation. But if the player tries to encourage Fawkes to go into the chamber, he refuses.

Sadly, it gets worse. Whatever choice is made, the game abruptly ends, without giving players the opportunity to continue. If the Wanderer had a bunch of side-quests to finish or a few more places to check out, they missed their chance.

Fortunately, these issues were remedied in Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC. In this expansion, the Wanderer's fate was changed so they don't die after activating the purifier. Instead, they awaken from a coma, allowing players to keep exploring the world of Fallout 3.

But that's not all. After this point, players can take part in a new mission, which includes multiple main quests, side quests, and new weapons. On top of that, the level cap was raised from 20 to 30. Definitely one of Bethesda's best DLC releases.

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