10 Video Games Where It's Impossible To Have A Happy Ending

5. Bloodborne

that dragon cancer

FromSoftware don't tend to make cheerful games, as a rule. The Dark Souls series is steeped in dark, sinister lore, as is Bloodborne. A story involving blood letting and praying to old Lovecraftian gods is never going to start well, but surely there's a happy "Hunter saves day" conclusion to reach here?

Unfortunately not, as each of Bloodborne's three endings show.

The first, and somewhat easiest, option is to willingly submit to Gehrman and be decapitated. This seemingly allows you to wake up from "the dream", but suggests that events will still play out regardless.

Should you defeat Gehrman, you unwittingly take his place, continuing the cycle of unleashing new Hunters into the world. Yet the third and secret ending still offers no real solace, after you defeat the Moon Presence.

Instead of a token happy ending, you become one of the fabled Great Ones. Does this mean the cycle is broken and you can influence change, or is history doomed to repeat itself?

Leave it to From to keep it vague, but there's definitely no cheerful resolution in Yharnam.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.