10 Video Games Where It's Impossible To Have A Happy Ending

4. Silent Hill 2

that dragon cancer

The first Silent Hill had a fairly straightforward ending, for a survival horror game. Unlikely hero escapes demonic forces, with companion and new baby (don't ask). All was pretty standard.

It was in the sequel that the horror became more introspective, as we delve into the psyche of James Sunderland and the quest for his missing, presumed dead wife.

It's only when we learn that she's not presumed but definitely dead, euthanised by her own husband, that the thought of a happy ending leaves our imagination.

Besides the joke endings, none of the serious endings leave a happy taste in the mouth. James taking penance by driving into the lake seems... deserved, but even the standard "man leaves with lady friend" doesn't bode well.

For one, Maria's coughing hints she'll succumb to the same illness as Mary, foreshadowing the same events happening.

It turned survival horror narrative on its head back in 2001, still cited as a champion of the genre today, for all the right reasons. However, there is no happy endings to be found here.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.