10 Video Games Where You Can Destroy EVERYTHING

Some games just want to watch the world burn.

Megaton rainfall

One of the most fascinating evolutionary processes of gaming has been the advancement of physics engines. Whether it's calculating the weight of gravity and how much that affects your jump, or in this case, how much absolute destruction you can wreak in one sitting.

Destruction physics in games have always fascinated me. They're a good barometer of how thoroughly a team knows its physics engine and how advanced that engine is.

From being able to destroy cover that enemies are hiding behind, to just cutting out the middle man entirely and bringing the building those enemies are ducking in crumbling down on their heads. There have been many games over the years that have tried to fully satiate gamers' desire to wreck literally everything in sight, some more successful than others.

These games are the ones that just completely let the player off the hook, dropped them into the sandbox, and asked them very very nicely not to dump all the sand everywhere and set the box on fire while they go make a phone call, knowing full well what would happen next.

10. Samurai Zombie Nation

Megaton rainfall

This NES game was one of the first games to really let the player cut loose, as it not only lets you blow up half of New York City, it keeps score while you do it.

You play as the "great head of the samurai", Namakubi, who sets out for America when he hears that the legendary blade, Shura, has been stolen by an alien named Darc Seed and his partner-in-crime, The Statue Of Liberty.

Oh, and when I say "great HEAD of the samurai", I don't mean he's the guy in charge. I mean he's the literal head of this dude floating around. And the "great" part comes from the fact that him being a flying head now apparently means he can shoot explosive spit and his eyes are now carpet bombs.

Considering the lacking storage space of the NES, it's astounding how much destruction this game managed to fit onto the cartridge. Every shot that doesn't hit the enemy will blow up a segment of whatever building full of poor innocent people was behind it.

What puts it at the bottom, obviously, is how primitive the destruction effects are nowadays, but this game pioneered the idea of giving a player the ability to lay waste to everything in their path, so I felt it needed to go on here somewhere.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?