10 Video Games Where You Can Destroy EVERYTHING
3. Red Faction: Guerrilla
Red Faction has boasted its destruction physics all the way back to the first game, but those original games then usually stuck the player in indestructible corridors.
Guerrilla knew what was up, and made destruction the primary focus of the game. When you start a new game, the first thing you're told upon gaining control of the protagonist is "here is a building. Here is a sledgehammer. We would not like this building to be here anymore." It's that kind of glorious simplicity that makes Guerilla the best entry in the franchise.
The destruction in Red Faction Guerrilla is some of the most fun you will ever have tearing through a city, with EVERY building being able to be meticulously torn apart. Unlike Destroy All Humans, buildings need to be properly demolished before collapsing, but it makes the result all the more satisfying.
There is no sweeter feeling in this or any other world than setting some detonator charges at strategic points around a building, getting a nice viewing distance away, and watch as the walls realistically blow outward from the blast and the building collapse into bits before you.