10 Video Games Where You Can Destroy EVERYTHING
2. Teardown

Red Faction Guerrilla went as far as it could with the technology and engine it had, but the physics were always a touch wonky.
Shock of shocks, there's a reason most games don't go quite as far with their destructible environments as Guerrilla did, it's both really hard and really expensive. If the following games addressed these issues, Red Faction would probably still be around.
Fortunately, indie studio Tuxedo came along to do just that, by taking the fun of Guerrilla and going super small scale. This indie title comes with the wonderful gimmick of the player getting to meticulously destroy everything they see in the game.
This not only makes for a fun as hell mission-based game, where the player has way more options than they would normally to complete the objective since the environment is no longer a barrier but also makes destroying everything super fun.
Destroying something in Teardown carries the same visceral enjoyment as destroying a big complicated Lego set that someone put a lot of work into, but without the consequences of your mom taking your PS2 away.