10 Video Games Where You Can Only Die ONCE
9. You Only Live Once
Back in the day, Newgrounds used to be the site for the most outlandish and creative flash games on the internet. One game was You Only Live Once, a platformer where, as the name suggests, you only have one chance to make it through an obstacle course.
Unlike Mario and other conventional platformers, You Only Live Once doesn't have extra lives for you to spare when you get hit by an enemy or fall down a pit. Instead, it gives you five hearts to let you survive a few hits, and when you lose them all, you die. You don't get any options to continue, and you don't get to go back to the menu and start over. You're just dead.
This said, the game isn't technically over.
When you try to restart, it will progress through time to show you what happens after you die. For example, if you died to an enemy, you'll see them calling an ambulance for you, then get arrested for your murder, then it'll just be your lonely grave standing right where you were done in.
That's a level of realism even Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't deliver.