10 Video Games Where You Play As The Villain

6. Calypso - Twisted Metal 4

Batman Arkham Knight
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Twisted Metal was very much a product of its time, after all the phrase "vehicular combat" feels very '90s. Those who dipped in and out of the series may not know that the games do actually have an ongoing narrative to explore; it’s not just mayhem and missiles.

Twisted Metal 4 specifically really put together a deeper history of the annual Twisted Metal competition. Designed by the mysterious Calypso, it pits the most deranged drivers against each other in a fight for supremacy. Sweet Tooth, the series mascot, takes his obsession with the tournament to a new level by winning Twisted Metal III and ousting Calypso from his seat.

Therefore, Twisted Metal 4 became the first and so far only time that the mastermind behind the worldwide violence competition became a playable character. Calypso’s stats give him incredibly poor handling to make up for the fact that he’s one of the most powerful characters in the game.

The reason why? His vehicle just so happens to be a flatbed truck with a nuke on the back of it.

Whilst most of the cast of Twisted Metal are unstable and dangerous in their own right, only Calypso can be described as the long-time series antagonist so putting him directly into the mix in Twisted Metal 4 was a great idea.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.