10 Video Games Where You Play As The Villain

5. Revenant - Doom Eternal

Batman Arkham Knight
iD Software

Doom’s iconic roster of awesome enemies is something that needs to be celebrated more and it seems as though id Software thought the same when they made Doom Eternal.

In terms of bulking up the multiplayer experience, Eternal includes a unique 2v1 “Battlemode” which fully kits out one player as the Doomslayer and then allows them to take on two others playing as Demons. The Revenant, which first appeared way back in Doom II, is just one of the selectable choices here, but he gets an extra bit of love in the campaign.

In the third mission, Cultist Base, there’s actually a moment where players have to use a Revenant to progress. VEGA, Doomslayer’s AI companion, informs the demon killing badass that the illusive super shotgun is somewhere in the citadel but out of reach. By taking control of the Revenant Drone, players can get their hands on this weapon.

This is an example of an idea that didn’t even really need to be in the game but it’s cool that it is. The beauty of Doom is swapping through its arsenal of weapons to do damage how you see fit and being able to temporarily jetpack around as Revenant was such an unexpected delight.

Which, of course, ends with taking the super shotgun back to Doomslayer and executing your little helper for their troubles.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.