10 Video Games Where You Should IGNORE The Main Story

8. Dragon Age: Inquisition

Deus ex mankind divided

Dragon Age as a franchise is quite unpredictable. First, we had the absolutely incredible Dragon Age: Origins, then the not so incredible Dragon Age 2. Then, from what seemed to be the smouldering ashes of the franchise rose Dragon Age: Inquisition, and all was right with the world once more.

It's a game of impressive scope, put together to be one of the most tightly packed action RPGs of all time.

There are so many different ways in which to find yourself completely distracted from the main story, and they are all so fun that you'll find a part of yourself actively avoiding it just to ensure the experience goes on a little longer.

As the Inquisitor, your in-game choices not only affect the world, but the Inquisition. You must pass judgement on those you have captured, make changes to your party, and decorate your headquarters however you see fit.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is the sort of game that even after multiple playthroughs, there's always more to discover.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.