10 Video Games Where You Start Off Dead

7. MediEvil

dead from the start
Other Ocean Interactive

Early PlayStation classic MediEvil places players in the role of Sir Daniel Fortesque, a supposedly legendary warrior who apparently died in battle defending the kingdom of Gallowmere from the evil sorcerer Zarok.

But in reality, Daniel was killed by the battle's first arrow fired, with the king instead opting to "print the legend" and lend Daniel a more flattering fate.

Yet when Zarok returns 100 years later to raise his undead army, he also unintentionally revives Daniel as a skeletal shadow of his former self, missing both his lower-jaw and one of his eyes which he lost in battle. Oof.

Dan's goal throughout the game isn't to remain "alive" - or rather, undead - or even somehow restore his rotted body, but simply defeat Zarok and genuinely earn the legacy he's already been afforded.

And so, when Zarok is defeated at game's end, Dan is able to return to his eternal sleep... at least until the sequel, where he's woken up 500 years later to deal with another supernatural threat. Not even the dead get to rest easy, apparently.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.