10 Video Games Where You're The Bad Guy

6. Jaws Unleashed

Jaws Unleashed Thq

You can certainly argue that sharks weren't really seen as "bad" at all until Steven Spielberg's Jaws created a global moral panic centered around the safety of the world's beaches and the animals' supposedly blood-thirsty nature.

And though the first stab at a Jaws game on the NES cast the player as a human "hero," 2006's Jaws Unleashed realised how much cooler it'd be to play as the apparent "villain" of the Jaws world - the damn shark itself.

The game allows players to free roam through the ocean depths, annihilating humans and animals alike, and earning upgrades to their murderous faculties in the process.

Even accepting society's general misjudged hatred of sharks, the fact that this game literally encourages you to eat innocent people probably means that you're the bad guy.

Real sharks may not be judging their attacks based on any conventional morality, but you as a player certainly are, and that makes this iteration of Jaws a bad customer indeed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.