10 Video Games With "That One Level" Everyone Hates

9. The Dam - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

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The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the NES is WEIRD. For one, it seems to have been made by people who don't know what TMNT is, what with such iconic featured characters as on-fire guy and hopping pair of legs. It's also overall ridiculously hard - but no other level comes close to the teeth-grinding nonsense that is the dam.

The level sees you navigating an underwater passage, disarming bombs along the way. The problem is that everything you do requires a surgical level of precision.

For one, there's a time limit of a little over two minutes, which is barely enough time to complete the level even if you do everything right. Electric gates turn on and off, but don't stay off for long. If you don't time your way through at the exact moment they turn off, you will get hit.

Then there's that damn tunnel full of electric seaweed. If you so much as brush up against one pixel of the stuff, you will get hit. Your control through this extremely narrow passage must be perfect, which is slightly difficult seeing as you're UNDER WATER.

We're still unpacking the childhood trauma caused by this level.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.