10 Video Games With An Insane Level Of Detail (That No One Noticed)

9. Portal 2's Crazy Concepts Are Actually Scientifically Sound

La Noire Detail

Portal 2 is the beloved sequel in a series that became popular by accident. Despite the simple premise, the developers really put a lot of time and effort into what is was initially a side-project - enough to make fans wonder if that could be the reason Half-Life 3 isn't here yet.

Whilst players are flinging Chell out of portals left and right within the painstakingly recreated laboratory levels, the developers made sure the portal gun's physics (such as momentum redirection) were 100% applicable to real-life.

The best example of Valve showing their work is actually during the slightly controversial climax, where the roof collapses during the final battle and you need to project a portal onto the moon to succeed. Doing such a thing seemed to stretch the suspension of belief a little too much considering nothing beforehand was so over-the-top, but in actuality it's totally within the realm of possibility.

As it has been established, portals travel at the speed of light, so to get one to the moon would only take about 1.4 seconds; meaning that travelling to the moon isn't actually that big of a deal... if you have a portal gun.

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My life story is nothing special. I haven't cured ebola, I'm nowhere near stopping terrorism, and I'm still working on that climate change problem. Instead, all I've done so far is put a few hundred words together in an attempt to make people laugh. You can follow me at @Fry_ying_pan but don't be offended if I don't tweet back. It's usually because I've spent too long trying to think up a witty response that the reply window has closed.