10 Video Games With MASSIVE Potential (That Still Failed)

2. Battleborn

battleborn game
2K Games

If we’ve learned anything from this list it’s don’t release a game right next to Overwatch unless you are indeed Overwatch itself.

That wasn’t the only problem with Gearbox’s 2016 first-person shooter Battleborn, but it certainly didn’t help.

Like many games on this list Battleborn sounded like it had everything it needed to go the distance. Part MOBA, part hero shooter, and with a studio known for their exciting shooters at the helm, it seemed like all systems were very much go. As it happened, Battleborn was just a little too complex for its own good with a puzzling learning curve that many players found off-putting, leading to a steep decline in its player base only a month into its release. Despite offering up a story-based mission mode and three main multiplayer modes, the gameplay and characters just didn’t resonate with players in the same way Overwatch was doing. Though it was praised for its fun heroes and satisfying gameplay loop, it was criticised for its lack of content, hackers that went undealt with, and balance issues.

In response, Gearbox pivoted and made the game free-to-play only to take the game’s servers down altogether in January of 2021.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.