10 Video Games With MASSIVE Potential (That Still Failed)

1. Brink

brink game
Splash Damage

Check out Brink’s official trailer on Bethesda’s YouTube page and almost the very top comment says, “This game had such potential…”

It’s not hard to see why, either. With 2011 Bethesda at the helm, a compelling backstory, and what looked like breakneck, exciting gameplay that blended shooting mechanics with brisk movement through the game world, this seemed like it had to be something special. It was supposed to be revolutionary and it’s safe to say it totally had hype trains rolling. Unfortunately the game couldn’t quite stick the landing as there were very little variations in potential playstyles, everything felt unfinished, and if you tried to get away from your team or play with randoms, you were pretty much doomed. The lag was monumentally bad, weapons were unbalanced, and many players had so much trouble getting the thing to run or getting into a match in its initial launch weeks that they questioned whether the game had even been tested.

Troubled launches for multiplayer games are nothing new but for players expecting something really special here, this one left an extra sting.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.