10 Video Games With Questions You Won't Want To Answer

6. Is Your Want Greater Than The Needs Of The Many? - The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us

Similar to Papers, Please but more on an individual basis without the element of choice, The Last of Us forces you to embody a character that actively slaughters a population-saving surgeon to reclaim his surrogate daughter.

The core of the matter is Joel's burgeoning love for Ellie, and how - when told she'll have to die to fulfil a procedure to cure humankind - he can't let this happen. Joel fundamentally makes a selfish decision; it is objectively worse for humanity that they can't be cured of the Cordycep virus, and yet, we totally see where he's coming from.

Imagine if your partner, child, parent etc. was the key to humanity's salvation, and even before you could say goodbye, you're given the news of never seeing them again.

Does the wider world's thanks comfort your loss, or is that person irreplaceable to the point of taking action?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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