10 Video Games With Questions You Won't Want To Answer

5. How Far Would You Go To Save Your Child? - Heavy Rain

heavy rain the shark
Quantic Dream

Flawed in the script and voice department it may be, but Heavy Rain's portrayal of father Ethan going through hell to save his son is a mighty enjoyable, semi-relatable tale.

Across the game he's tasked with everything from driving at high speeds into oncoming traffic to severing fingers to even executing someone, all to prove a level of love and devotion to his son, in front of the Origami Killer.

At any point you're free to walk away. Heavy Rain has a number of endings depending on what state Ethan is in and how far down the torturous rabbit hole you went.

Say what you like about David Cage, at least in this he really made us make nerve-wracking decisions with real consequences.

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Gaming Editor

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