10 Video Games With Stealth Missions That Are Totally Out Of Place

8. Dragon Age II: Mark Of The Assassin

Out of all sequels from BioWare the controversial Dragon Age II is certainly not the fan favorite and this mission most likely didn't help turn fans around either. We were expecting Dragon Age II to seamlessly continue the classic RPG concept of its predecessor, but instead we got a new combat system and a convoluted narrative style.

In the main mission, Heart of the Many, playing as Hawke and Tallis we creep through Chateau Haine in expectation of a bronze trophy and a rare accessory set awaiting us at the end. To get there, we have to avoid the gaze of all the guards who sometimes turn their heads towards us. But wait, it gets worse: not just the guards are to be avoided but also well-lit areas which will surely up your chances of being detected.

The stealth sequence is unimaginative and carelessly implemented at best but at least it's not difficult to survive. On the one hand, props to BioWare for trying to install something new. On the other hand, this screw up is a testament to the fact that new doesn't necessarily mean better or as in this case, crawling in darkness doesn’t always make things more exciting.


Part time Film Writer/Analyst and Digital Marketing ninja! I live in Vienna, Austria with my 2 cats, Winston Church and Mr. Jingles :)