10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

8. Batman: Arkham Knight - 516

DK Collectibles
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / DC Comics

The Batman: Arkham series has become famous for its gameplay but infamous for its time-consuming side missions, especially the Riddler trophies. In Batman: Arkham Knight, you can attain these prizes by achieving missions within a time-limit, disabling traps, using gadgets, or through timed races in the Batmobile. Some of these trophies are painstaking to acquire and it's a nightmare to earn all 243 of them.

But guess what? If you get them all, you're not even half finished. Upon completing the game, you will unlock New Story+, which allows you to replay the game with all the experience, gadgets, and abilities from your previous playthrough. You need to to beat every mission and find every Riddler trophy all over again to achieve a 200% completion.

And that was everything the game had to offer... until the Season of Infamy DLC was added in. Although there are several DLCs, the 30 items found in the Season of Infamy side mission are the only ones considered official collectibles since obtaining them affects your completion rating. If the player finds everything in the Story Mode, New Story+, and Season of Infamy, it will bring their completion rating to a mathematically impossible 240%.


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