10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

7. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time - 557

DK Collectibles

This year, the long-awaited sequel to everyone's favourite marsupial-centred franchise, Crash Bandicoot, was finally released. It wasn't long before gamers beat Crash Bandicoot: It's About Time but it was another story altogether for completionists.

You see, the most common collectibles in the franchise are Gems, which are usually obtained after breaking every crate in a level. Even though each entry in the original trilogy only had a few dozen Gems each, this was still an arduous task.

But Crash 4 takes the cake (or the Aussie equivalent). Instead of each level having one Gem, there are now between 6-12 which can be obtained by achieving certain requirements. But even after you find all 228 Gems, you're still not done. You have to do it all over again in Inverted Mode, bringing you up to 456 Gems. With four more hidden Gems, that brings the grand total to 460.

But that's only the Gems. There are also 21 tapes hidden throughout the game. On top of that, you need to collect 38 perfect relics and 38 platinum relics in Time Trials Mode.

Anyone who thought the original trilogy had a lot of collectible had no idea what Crash 4 had in store for them.


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