10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

3. Super Smash Bros - 1438 (For Now)

DK Collectibles

Because Super Smash Bros Ultimate announced every single playable character in the franchise would return, the hype for the sequel was monumental. Even though the expectations were unrealistically high, SSBU managed to exceeded them all.

Although fans were exhilarated the moment the game was officially announced, completionists were a little worried. Since Super Smash Bros. Melee, every entry in the series has had a ton of items to seek out.

Upon Ultimate's release, there were 1,297 collectibles (which are called "Spirits") to obtain. Equipping Spirits to a character grants them special abilities during battle like stronger kicks, faster recovery, immunity to electric attacks, etc. Spirits can be bought, won in challenges, or acquired in Classic and Adventure Mode.

If 1,297 collectibles sounds like a lot, that's not all. New Spirits are inserted upon every update. After Alex and Steve were introduced as playable characters via DLC, another 11 Minecraft-based Spirits were inserted into the game.

At this exact moment, Super Smash Ultimate contains 1,438 collectables. However, since Ultimate has several playable characters to introduce in the near future, more Spirits are expected to be inserted in 2021, easily bringing the grand total to over 1,500.


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