10 Video Games With The Most Collectibles

4. Breath Of The Wild - 1200+

DK Collectibles

Since the first Legend of Zelda, the beloved franchise has been filled to the brim with side-quests and collectibles. And when Nintendo promised Breath of the Wild would be the largest LoZ game by far, gamers knew it would be littered with more content than any rational player would be able to find.

Not only does BOTW have a gigantic campaign, it has dozens of helmets, armours, trousers, and horse appliances to find. The game also has 120 mini-dungeons, which reward the player with a Spirit Orb upon completion. These Orbs are needed to maximise Link's stamina and health.

However, the real completionist challenge is the Korok Seeds. If you bring enough of these seeds to a Korok called Hetsu, he'll give your pouch more slots, allowing you to hold more weapons, shields, and bows. Because there is a punishing 900 Korok Seeds scattered across Hyrule, only the most hardcore players have found them all.

But surely, the game rewards you if you grab every Korok Seed, right? Yes, it does. After Hetsu recieves all 900 seeds, he gifts you with a pile of golden poo.

Totally worth it.


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