10 Video Games With The Most Endings

8. The BlazBlue Series - 62 Endings

Star Ocean The Second Evolution
Arc System Works

Were the BlazBlue series not to exist here as a single entry, it'd take up most of the list, as the games consistently provide a huge amount of possible endings for you to enjoy.

Calamity Shift and Continuum Shift both have a hefty forty-nine endings per game. This is only increased further by Continuum Shift II, which boosts the number of endings to an almost eye-watering sixty-one. Seemingly just to top this off, the extended version of the sequel adds a single extra ending, as the proverbial cherry on top.

Each character has a minimum of three endings; a canon one, an alternate one, and a "gag' ending where things get a little more goofy. There's fourteen characters, so these three endings add up pretty fast - especially since some characters have some than one canon endings, or sometimes several alternates.

If you played through the likes of Tekken or Marvel Vs. Capcom and want another hit of a fighting game with a wide selection of endings, BlazBlue is a pretty good choice for your next adventure.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.