10 Video Games With The Most Endings

7. Time Travelers - 71 Endings

Star Ocean The Second Evolution
Level 5

If you don't laugh at the fact that Time Travelers has sixty-nine bad endings, then you either knew already, or are otherwise reasonably worried about the fact that a single game has almost seventy individual bad things.

In all fairness, the two no-dire endings are also the game's true conclusions, which softens the blow a little - although the fact it's only considered to have one good ending is pretty surprising.

On the downside, it's incredibly hard to figure out exactly what you need for all these endings, as Time Travelers misspelled name means any searches are often "helpfully" corrected for you. On a similar note, the game currently doesn't have an English translation, outside of one YouTuber's helpful playthrough, where they verbally translate the story of the game.

While the topic of all these endings will remain a relative mystery to us non-bilingual folk, it only adds to the mystery of the game, which means the relative lack of information surrounding it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Well, unless you're trying to get all the endings of course - in which case god speed and good luck.


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