10 Video Games With The Most Endings

5. Der Langrisser - 75

Star Ocean The Second Evolution

Der Langrisser is a game that isn't covered in the english-speaking media very often, largely because it came out in 1994, and yet we only got a translation around 2007, which is some thirteen years later.

But it's still a game worth talking about even now - and not just because it follows in the footsteps of the niche but iconic Warsong game.

Because Der Langrisser - also known as the remade version of Langrisser II, and thus not to be confused with Langrisser I - comes with an eye-watering seventy-five possible endings.

Although, after playing the game once through, you'll likely have a solid idea of why there are so many. Each character has a possibility for a good and bad ending, and thus the various combinations you can get are what equal such a large number of different conclusions.

As some characters are harder to get specific endings for - and you'll no doubt have chosen which anime folk you prefer after one run through - there's a good chance few will get all of them, instead opting to get their faves a happy ending.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.