10 Video Games With The Worst Enemy A.I.

9. Anthem

aliens colonial marines

Bad AI was certainly the least of Anthem's problems on launch, though considering that the janky enemy AI had been flagged by players in beta tests, it was a shame to see so few improvements made for the full release.

It's bizarrely common to see enemies, particularly the Scars, simply standing around and doing nothing while you fire upon them.

And even when they do spot you they don't reliably seek cover or fight back, and can even run right past the player who is standing in plain sight.

It'd be hilarious were Anthem not a massively expensive AAA project that spent years and years in development. For it to tout such elementary, at times scarcely existent AI was merely another addition to its long list of embarrassing misfires.

BioWare clearly tried to compensate for their vegetative AI by simply throwing a sheer mass of enemies at you instead, but it's a laughably obvious tactic that doesn't distract at all from the glaring AI programming issues.

Bullet sponge enemies in looter-shooter games are nothing new, but it's reasonable for players to expect much more from mega-budget games employing hundreds of talented people.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.