10 Video Games With The Worst Enemy A.I.

6. Aliens: Colonial Marines

aliens colonial marines

Almost a decade after its release, we're still harping on about how crushingly disappointing Aliens: Colonial Marines was - a game that should've been the definitive video game embodiment of James Cameron's Aliens, but instead felt more like a straight-to-VOD knock-off.

Players could've forgiven the light story and underwhelming visuals if it nailed the atmosphere of the Alien movies, and in particular the sweaty-palmed fear of facing off against the Xenomorphs.

Instead, the Xeno AI was by far the most common complaint about the entire game, that these digital approximations of the iconic aliens didn't behave anything like the Xenomorphs from the movies.

Rather than cunningly stalking players and their squad-mates, the aliens would just rush blindly into firefights, ensuring they could be easily melted by your vast array of weaponry.

That wasn't all, though: sometimes the Xenos wouldn't respond to you at all, immediately annihilating the player's entire sense of immersion.

Hilariously, a modder discovered in 2018 that the janky AI was actually due a typo in the game's code. Upon fixing the mistake, the AI was significantly improved, with the Xenomorphs actually flanking the player and deploying some manner of defensive capability.

Still, 2018 was many, many years after most everybody had written Colonial Marines off and basically forgotten it ever existed, so it was certainly too little, too late.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.