10 Video Games With The Worst Enemy A.I.

5. Mario Kart

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As fun as playing any Mario Kart game with friends is, it's a whole other ball game taking on human rivals.

The series uses rubber-banding mechanics to both close the gap between you and PCU racers, and also give those near the back of the pack a greater likelihood of receiving an advantageous item.

As such, it's no coincidence that the CPU racers have an over-the-odds tendency to pick up blue shells whenever you, the human player, slides into first place.

The intent is obviously to ensure the player can't just relentlessly thrash the competition and sail through every race, but it can often result in players basically being excessively punished for, you know, being really good at the game.

Over the years there have been countless deep-dive investigations into Mario Kart's infuriatingly lopsided "cheating" AI, which while arguably embodying the random chaos of life itself, actually makes the game a lot less fun and chill.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.