10 Video Games With The Worst Enemy A.I.

4. Daikatana

aliens colonial marines
Ion Storm

Much like Crysis 2, Daikatana catches more flak because the game was released on a platform of such unflappable confidence, what with its infamously audacious marketing claiming, "John Romero's about to make you his b*tch."

But Daikatana was a big 'ol dud from first moment to last, pilloried by critics for its outdated graphics, boring repetitive gameplay, and yes, its execrable, unforgiveable AI for both sidekicks and enemies alike.

Enemy combatants will generally just Leeroy Jenkins themselves towards the player while firing wildly and praying for the best.

It'd be hilarious if it didn't make the game such a chore to push through - though let's face it, how many of us ever actually bothered to finish Daikatana?

Countless fan-made patches have been released to mend the game's AI - and other things - over the years, but as with Aliens: Colonial Marines, it's basically like putting a bandage on a trauma patient who bled out, oh, 20 years ago.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.