10 Video Games You Can 100% In Just HOURS

8. Evoland - 6 1/2 Hours

The wolf Among Us
Shiro Games

A love letter to the ever-developing world of RPGs, it's hard to not fall for Evoland's charms the minute you start playing it.

To mirror the ways that the genre has changed since it first appeared in video games, Evoland has you slowly unlock better graphics, and better controls for your character, making it feel like you've played decades of games in one short sitting. Because Evoland can be finished in around three hours, and getting 100% only takes around three more.

Sure, it'll mostly involve trawling back through the world to find hidden playing cards and stars, but if you like the world you've been exploring, an extra dose is hardly a bad thing.

Especially since it involves finding like seven secret entrances, in true RPG tradition. And as old as you get, there's still a certain kind of magic to discovering an area you feel as though you weren't supposed to. And since that's most of the 'extra game' of Evoland, it's a worthy investment to blast through the final collectibles.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.