10 Video Games You Can 100% In Just HOURS

7. OFF - 6 Hours

The wolf Among Us
Mortis Ghost

OFF - also known by its full name of OFF: A Nice Game For Cute Children - is one of the wildest rides a free game can provide.

An old-school turn based RPG crafted by a lone developer, OFF sees you play a renegade baseball player known as The Batter. This mysterious sportsman fights his way through a surreal and nightmarish land of sugar, smiling cats, and monsters, all with the aim of 'purifying' the land.

OFF also makes the smart decision of being a fairly brief experience, with a single playthrough lasting around 5 hours, and a full complete run lasting only an extra hour. After all, the whimsical world of OFF is the video game equivalent of a rich desert - delicious, but recommended in small servings.

This would likely also explain why the extra gameplay consists of one alternate ending. Well, one alternate ending, and a 'secret' ending that is takes after the Silent Hill tradition of having an extra, ridiculous end to the game.

However, if you've been interested in the lore of the world, it's worth sparing an extra hour to play either the good or the bad ending depending on which you picked first. Both are surprisingly emotional, as well - likely to counteract the fact that the secret ending has space monkeys taker over the world.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.