10 Video Games You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

9. Any FromSoftware Game

Red Dead Redemption 2

There are few video game developers with a more enthusiastic fanbase than FromSoftware, who have built an empire on their singular brand of brutally difficult action-RPGs.

Dare suggest to any fan of Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Elden Ring that you can't stand the games because you find them too difficult and it's a near-mathematical certainty that you'll soon enough here the immortal words, "git gud."

Complaining aloud that any of these games are too challenging to be fun, that the repetition is more irritating than enjoyable, is a one-way ticket to mockery from fans within earshot.

They'll tell you that the games really aren't that hard, that it's your fault you keep dying, and the reward of finally conquering a tough boss overpowers the frustration of getting there.

Tell a FromSoft acolyte that you don't play games to be digitally chastised and they'll quite likely sneer at you with derision, while you desperately try to convince them you're not a "filthy casual."

Expressing your disdain for a FromSoftware game will forever change how your gaming cred is perceived by a certain subset of gamers, unfortunately.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.